Thursday, December 20, 2012

A New Face Lift!

I am thrilled to have a new header image courtesy of What Peggy Said, which features my dog, Tuesday!

Tuesday is a 4 year old Welsh Corgi who I absolutely love and have had since he was just a puppy. He was named after the day in which my "golden birthday" (where I turned 21 on the 21st) fell, and was really the only name he ever responded to anyway. So, it all worked out.

Creating a blog about happiness was going to be impossible if I wasn't going to make him a top subject, so obviously I had to go a step further and put him in the main image, too. Having him up there makes me so happy I can barely stand it. I mean, look at that face!

I thought I'd share one of my most favorite pictures of him, which was taken by Taryn Lindsey just a few weeks ago. She got him to smile for the camera so many times, I just watched in jealousy. Anytime I've ever tried to take a cute picture of him, he just turns away from me and manages a grumpy face or a scowl instead. Silly dog. Nevertheless, I'm happy to have little illustrations of him on just about everything, including my new blog! =]

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