I am finally, finally able to share images from my first hair show that took place in April, and I couldn't be more excited. This entire process, from conception to debut has been a wild adventure, and I was lucky enough to choose just the right people to share it with. My models were not only close friends, but some of the most creative and talented people in Columbus, and having them cheer me on was just... Otherworldly. These are women I look up to, find inspiration from, and adore, and their support was just the most amazing thing.
Anyway, this post is coming after having my first meeting with Aaron James of Ruby Hill, a Columbus designer who has booked me to do hairpieces for his finale show for Alternative Fashion Mob in June. Aaron is another artist that I admire, and having this chance to work side by side with him has been one of the coolest things I've been able to be a part of. Our meeting last night left me feeling electrified with ideas and daydreams of creations that we get to display for Columbus. I am so excited.
I digress! Here are the images of each of my lovely ladies and their hair pieces. In the flurry of getting ready we missed many chances for more images, but I have that moment tucked away internally to think back on, and honestly, that's just enough for me.
(Image courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Image courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Image courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Image Courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Image courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
(Image courtesy of Haute Stuff Studio)
Some additional images....

(Models used were: Jackie Steinert, resident model extraordinaire for Laura Dark. Ashley Arend of Alt Fashion Mob and Bloggess at Ending up Here, Anita Rhynes, metaperformer for Shadowbox Live. Model and cat rescue goddess, Jamie L. Burlesque wonders, Holly Hahn and Berry LeRoux, and theater actresses Sarah Gehring and Lindsey Fisher.)
Oh, Bri! The show was beautifu, fun, silly...everything you wanted it to be. I felt so privileged to wear your hairpiece! You made me feel simultaneously frivolous and sophisticated. I can't wait to see what you do for Aaron next month! You two are a fierce fashion power-couple!