Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Book Club.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can't tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like betrayal”
I know that I said that I would be reading all of the classics that I'd collected, starting with Gone with the Wind, however I failed in sticking to it completely. At some point last week, I decided at random to grab The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, and accidentally devoured it. I had bought the book when it came out last year, but after my roommate read it and said she didn't like it, I just put it up on the shelves and forgot about it.
I'm not sure if it was fate that led me to picking it up again, or what, but by doing so I had fallen in love with a new author, and by default, I also fell in love with a new book. There hasn't been something that just built me up, knocked me down, and redesigned how I looked at the world all around me in a very long time. I highly recommend anyone looking for a new book to pick up any number of John Green novels. I'd love to hear what you think about them!
Additionally, I've started a Goodreads account to keep track of all of the things that I'm reading, and to get recommendations for future books. My reading list is so long right now, but I'm always on the hunt for new things to read. If you're an avid reader, I encourage you to sign up and keep track and rate books you love (or hate), and allow me to follow along with you! If you're already a member of the site, feel free to add me on there and we'll keep track of the other's progress together.
Happy reading!


  1. I concur with everything you've said here! Such a great book! A friend insisted I read it almost a year ago because he had become addicted to the author's blogs! I haven't actually read any of Green's blogs, but I certainly need to at this point.

    I suffer along side you with the Goodreads addiction. My To-Read list is miles long and will never be finished! One of my problems is that I will walk into the bookstore, fire up my Goodreads app and hunt down 2 or 3 titles on said list. I will then buy those books. Needless to say, my bookshelves are full of books I need to read!

    1. I spent a good 3 hours watching all of his vlogs, and realized that I was an official addict. PS- Thanks for getting me hooked on Goodreads!

  2. I actually read this and I loved it (well, aside from the ending)! I love John Green's books. If you haven't read Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns, you definitely should! xx


    1. That is awesome! I actually JUST got Paper Towns in the mail, and I'm trying to be good and finish what I'm currently reading before jumping into it. It's hard not to though! Which was your favorite?

  3. I might have to add this to my list of books to read!! xx. McKenna Lou

  4. I didn't know that type of service actually existed. I'll create my account today! thanks :)

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    1. I didn't know it did either, until someone asked me if I'd had an account. I've been on a huge reading kick lately, so it seemed the perfect time to start one up. Be sure to add me!
